Apple iOS 7.1 includes major improvements in iBeacon

Apple updated iOS 7.1 and rolled into the update some major improvements to the iBeacon platform, claims The biggest improvement is the ability of the operating system to detect iBeacons even when an iBeacon-compatible app is shut down or running in the background. This functionality persists even when the device is rebooted, suggesting this background function is now built into the OS and is not dependent on the applications themselves.
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How the Samsung Galaxy S5 fingerprint scanner differs from Apple’s Touch ID

Samsung unveiled its flagship Galaxy S5 Monday at Mobile World Congress. Similar to the iPhone 5s, the Galaxy S5 features a fingerprint sensor that can be used to unlock the handset and perform other functions on the device. The scanner on the S5 is not a clone of Apple’s Touch ID, as there are a few subtle differences that make it unique. Read on to learn how the two fingerprint sensors compare.
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