After Burner Climax Review

Sometimes, you don’t want things like “depth” or “complexity” from a game. Sometimes it’s enough to control something very fast as it fills the sky with explosions, and in that regard, After Burner Climax delivers beautifully. An iOS port of a 2006 arc…

Lode Runner Classic Review

Lode Runner should be instantly familiar to anyone who spent much time on computers during the ’80s. Originally released in 1983, it focuses on the adventures of a lone stick figure out to get rich while evading sinister guards. Lode Runner C…

Karateka Review

A few years before he became known as the creator of Prince of Persia, a university student named Jordan Mechner created the Apple II classic, Karateka. Telling the story of a nondescript karate guy out to save a princess from the clutches of an evil w…

Into the Dead Review

The world has been forever changed by a zombie outbreak, and your only means of escape has crashed in the middle of a field crawling with the undead. As the zombies close in, there’s just one course of action available: sprint toward a radio antenna …

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Review

Grand Theft Auto III was arguably the most influential game of the early ‘00s, ushering in a new age of huge open worlds and criminal anti-heroes, and its release on iOS earlier this year was a pretty significant achievement for mobile gaming. Where …