Mac Setup: The Desk of a Technical Director

This weeks featured Mac setup is the awesome workstation of Emir R., let’s dive right in and learn a bit more about the hardware, desk, lighting, and how everything is put to use: What do you use this awesome Apple setup for? I am a Technical Director for Jaden Social and run a team of 8 … Read More

Mac Setups: The Desk of a Cloud Solutions Provider

This weeks featured Mac desk setup comes from cloud solutions provider and small business owner John H., let’s learn a bit more about the hardware and apps that make up the workstation. Welcome! Tell us a bit about yourself and what you use your Apple gear for? My name is John H., I am based … Read More

Mac Setups: The Hackintosh of a Student & Programmer

This weeks featured Mac setup comes from Andrew T., a student and programmer. As for the setup itself, it’s a bit unorthodox… because it’s a Hackintosh! For those who are less familiar with the concept of a Hackintosh, it’s an unofficial and unsupported Mac built using traditional PC components that runs OS X. Aside from … Read More

Mac Setup: The Desk of a Systems Engineer

This weeks featured Mac setup is the desk of systems engineer Dave B., let’s get right to it and learn a bit more! Tell us a bit about the hardware in your Mac setup MacBook Pro 13″ with Retina Display – 2.5GHz CPU, 8GB RAM Dual Samsung 24″ LED Displays at 1920×1200 Apple Wireless Keyboard … Read More

Mac Setups: Mac Pro Audio Production Studio

This weeks featured Mac setup is used by audio producer Nathaniel T., this is a killer setup and there’s a lot of awesome hardware to cover, so let’s jump right to it and learn more… What do you use your Apple gear for? My Mac setup is used for audio production and front-end development. The … Read More