MacBreak Weekly 343: Full of Schmidt

Leo Laporte, Andy Ihnatko, Mike Elgan, and I talk about wether or not there will there be an iPhone 5S coming in June, Google Now stuck in App Store, and more. I was also fortunate enough to join Tom Merrit, Sarah Lane, Iyaz Akhtar, and Will Harris on…

GDC 2013 day one

The Game Developers Conference — GDC — got off to a slow if dignified start yesterday. The show floor doesn’t open until later in the week but the workshops are well underway, and everyone from first time developers to seasoned producers are getting…

MacBreak Weekly 342: Rib iPhone

Leo Laporte, Andy Ihnatko, Alex Lindsay, and I discuss whether or not Apple lost the war of words with Samsung, a new iPhone web ad campaign, OS X 10.8.3, and more. Download or subscribe:

Adding dependency to Apple

Apple, given their history, is acutely aware of the pain that can result when their destiny depends on companies outside their control. Microsoft, Adobe, Google, Hollywood, AT&T, Nuance, and the list goes on. In yet another thoughtful piece on his…

iWatch as gesture control interface

With rumors of an Apple iWatch swirling, speculation over potential feature sets and use cases are swirling with them. Designer Neven Mrgan has an interesting one: Today it occurred to me that it could have an interesting use: acting as a gestural, a…

Adobe CTO Kevin Lynch leaving to join Apple

Adobe’s CTO, Kevin Lynch, is leaving the Photoshop and Flash maker to join Apple. CNBC’s Jon Fortt got the statement from Adobe: Kevin Lynch, Adobe CTO, is leaving the company effective March 22 to take a position at Apple. We will not be replacing t…

The cost of relying on free apps

The true costs associated with free apps isn’t limited to free-to-play-games, or the consequences to just our wallets. Michael Jurewitz, who up until last year worked as a developer evangelist at Apple, has outlined another profound cost on his blog, …

MacBreak Weekly 333: Apple Shorts

TWiT is back from the holidays, Leo Laporte and I are back from CES, and so it’s break time once again! This week Leo, Andy Ihnatko, Adam Engst, and I talk about Apple’s tumbling stock price, iPhone sales, Tim Cook meeting with the Chinese government,…