iOS 8: Start Website-Specific Searches From The Safari Address Bar

  Here’s a little iOS 8 tip for quickly searching sites you’ve already visited in Safari: while in the address bar, start typing the first four or five letters of a website, add a space, and then type in a search term. You’ll find that the first result in the suggestion list (below the URL […]

iOS 8.0.2: Restores Lost Cellular Functionality, Improves Third-Party Keyboard Stability

I’m hoping you weren’t one of the people who was affected by the brief rollout of 8.0.1 this past week, but if so, 8.0.2 should fix any cellular issues you may have experienced. I updated my iPad Air from the iOS 8 GM to 8.0.2 last night and did a few practical tests. The main thing I […]

Quick Thought On The Fleksy iPad Keyboard and Comfort

I wrote the other day about Fleksy and how great it feels to use, but now that I’ve given another keyboard, SwiftKey, more of a shot I think I know exactly what I like most about Fleksy on the iPad. Fleksy was my clear favourite out of all the keyboards that launched with iOS 8, but I […]

Quick Look: Fleksy Keyboard for iPad

Here’s the dream I’ve had for the iPad for a few years now: I head to a café and pull the tablet with its Smart Cover out of my bag and start to write. I don’t just mean write emails, but write little stories and blog posts over a period of an hour or two. […]

Check Out This Teaser Of The Awesome Browser Extension in Things 2.5

I already talked about the 1Password iOS 8 extension in August, but here’s another great example of the power of extensibility. 9to5Mac showed a great video preview of a proposed Things 2.5 browser extension made possible by iOS 8. Not only can you create a new task from within Safari, but you can automatically add details like […]

IKEA vs iPad!

Some fancy new tech company claims to have created a device with infinitely better battery life, and a more intuitive interface than the iPad. They call it the 2015 IKEA Catalogue, and they’re giving it away for free with pre-loaded hi-resolution content. I don’t know if this is some sort of cheap market share play by […]

Hyperlapse from Instagram: The First iPad Camera App I’m Not Embarrassed To Use

I remember sending an article about Microsoft’s research on Hyper-lapse to a co-worker in early August and lamenting the fact that only Microsoft seemed to have access to the cool tech. Then, lo and behold, Instagram decided to release their own Hyperlapse app last week for both iPhone and iPad. This feels like one of those […]

Quick Look: Belkin BOOST UP Home and Car Chargers for iPad

I was sent a Belkin BOOST UP Charger and BOOST UP Car charger, both of which feature 12-watt charging for the iPad. Belkin’s website copy claims that these BOOST UP chargers are 40{813a954d5e225a1509f22204ece89c855080ce25555f20805f61bed63cbfde3b} faster than a 5-watt charger at fully recharging an iPad Air, which is true, but not really a fair comparison because neither […]

That Darn iOS 8 QuickType Keyboard Has Completely Spoiled Me

[I forgot to keep a QuickType screenshot, so I used this QuickType image from Macworld UK] I tried the iOS 8 beta earlier this summer — right around beta 3 — and loved the experience. Texting from the iPad was great, the new full-screen Safari was great, but the absolute best feature to me was […]

The Big Daddy of Gaming, Bioshock, Is Hitting The iPad This Summer!

Here’s some pretty cool iPad gaming news from today: Bioshock is coming to iOS this summer, and it looks quite good! I don’t like the idea of playing it using the touchscreen (yuck), but it’s games like Bioshock that could really drive Bluetooth controller sales and make the concept more mainstream. Imagine taking a little […]

AgileBits Introduces The 1Password Extension for Third Party App Integration in iOS 8

This week AgileBits announced that 1Password will support extensions for iOS 8. That’s a big deal because it will allow the 1Password app to send passwords straight into other App Store apps, instead of merely acting as an external password vault. That’s the major difference between the iOS and Mac versions of 1Password: system wide […]

Booqpad for iPad Air: Analog and Digital Notes Together In One Folio

My boss recently got our entire team a set of Evernote Moleskine notebooks to enhance our note-taking and info sharing practices. I’m not usually one for carrying paper around because I prefer to keep my notes digital (and therefore searchable), but now that I’m handling larger projects, I’m finding a hybrid system of typed notes […]

Quick Thoughts On Facebook Messenger For iPad

I don’t use Facebook Messenger often, but I think it’s great that it was released for iPad. Facebook seems like one of the de facto messaging services for a lot of my friends at work and from university, and bringing the Messenger app to the iPad does show some forward thinking on Facebook’s part. Just […]

Still Waiting Patiently For 2Do III for iPad

I’ve been waiting for the release of 2Do III ever since the release of iOS 7 last Fall, and I’m trying to keep from calling the third version of the app “3Do” (I blame 2Fast2Furious and its ilk for that). 2Do was one of my all-time favourite task management apps on iOS, and even though […]

Quick Tip: Use iTunes to Transfer Files to Compatible Apps On Your iPad

Here’s a tip we published almost four years ago, but seeing as I used it quite recently at work, I thought I’d give it a refresh. Now that iPads are infiltrating the office space and boardrooms, I see more and more co-workers wanting to take videos and other files into meetings with them. This isn’t a problem […]

Giving iTunes Match Another Try

iTunes Wi-Fi Sync only seems to work about half the time I try to use it, so a few weeks ago I decided to take another chance on iTunes Match. If you’re unfamiliar with iTunes Match, it’s a $28 annual subscription service that scans your Mac or PC’s iTunes library. Any songs that are matched […]