OmniOutliner 4 Pro review: Top-notch Mac outliner gets a new interface

I admit it. I’m a proud member of the Cult of Outliners. Outlines are the best tool I’ve ever found to create my book and other writing projects, presentations, business plans, and more. My love for outlining programs goes back to MORE and Acta, running on classic Macs, and I roll my eyes at inferior attempts like Microsoft Word’s Outline view.

For many years, my outliner of choice has been OmniOutliner Pro (Mac App Store link), from The Omni Group. The current release, version 4, is long-awaited (version 3 was released in 2005) and provides a welcome user interface refresh, as well as many tweaks to make working with outlines easier. But work remains to be done to use outlines in other programs, and you should try before you buy the Pro version.

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