Automate your Mac: 10 ways to speed up iTunes, Safari, and more

Insert passwords

Tool: Keyboard Maestro
Apple has (wisely) made it impossible to auto-expand text in certain secure fields—password fields, for example. That makes it hard to use standard keyboard expansion utilities (including Apple’s own) to fill in password fields. However, Keyboard Maestro is happy to paste templated text into such fields with the press of a keyboard shortcut. So that’s the tool I use when working with convoluted passwords and inflexible fields. I would definitely not implement this on a shared Mac where I wanted to keep my passwords private, however.—Christopher Breen

Lock your Mac when you leave

Tools: AppleScript, Dropbox, Hazel, IFTTT
I have a job that’s somewhat security-sensitive, so I make a point to lock my Mac’s screen whenever I step away. As a backup, I have a screensaver set to activate after 10 minutes which requires a password to deactivate. Occasionally I forget to lock my Mac before I leave the office. But using my iPhone in concert with IFTTT, Hazel and Dropbox, I can automatically trigger the screensaver to activate and lock the screen whenever I leave the immediate area, even before that 10 minutes is up.

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