Badger Brings A New Level Of Meaning To iPhone App Badges [Jailbreak]


Badger is a new jailbreak tweak that lets you access unread notifications from an app icon. Instead of opening Notification Center, swiping on a specific icon can reveal a list of notifications. From there, you can clear individual messages and even respond to texts.



Once you install Badger, the tweak’s preferences can be customized in the Settings app. The animation style is totally up to the user, but I prefer for the notification window to fade in and fade out. There are several activation methods that can be selected. I found that the swipe up and down gestures felt the best.

Swipe on an individual notification in the Badger window to delete, clear, or open the app to view the notification in its native environment. If it’s the Messages app, the left arrow lets you quickly respond to a text without leaving the window. Tap on a specific notification in the Badger window and the text will start scrolling to show you the rest of the message.

Badger is very similar to another recent jailbreak tweak called Velox. They both attempt to supercharge app icons, but Velox does a lot more than just handling notifications. But for only notifications, Badger is a better tweak.

Badger is available now in Cydia for $1. Make sure to check out Velox as well for $2.

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