Best Selling Dr Seuss iPad Storybook Apps on Sale for 99 Cents

Dr Seuss iPad Storybook apps

The 5 best-selling Dr. Seuss iPad storybook apps are on sale today for just 99 cents. The 5 are The Cat in the Hat, Green Eggs and Ham, One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, Dr. Seuss’s ABC, and Oh, the Places You’ll Go.

The 5 titles are all published by Oceanhouse Media. I’ve written about these Dr. Seuss storybook apps for the iPad many times here. They are wonderful, true to the original, renderings of these classics for the iPad. They use original imagery from the books and serve as a great way to keep these titles fresh and popular with the generations of kids who are growing up with both digital and physical books.

The sale is in honor of Dr’’. Seuss;s birthday, which is today. In addition to the 5 titles at 99 cents, Oceanhouse also has all 44 of their Dr. Seuss books on sale at at least $1 off. The sale goes on until Thursday March 6.

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