BlumAlerts keeps your Mac safe from phishers

If you’re looking for something to help protect your Mac from harmful security sites, look no further than the best anti phishing software for Mac OS X: BlumAlerts.

We all get them, you know, those emails that send us random URLs and expect us to click and visit them, and suddenly, our Mac is under threat. Sometimes those phishing websites can also be lodged into other websites and we still end up getting there. Regardless of the route to launching the URL, BlumAlerts warn us so we can prevent it from happening again.

Anything that we receive that seems a little suspicious–whether we know the sender or not–we should assume is a form of phishing, unless told otherwise. From friends with hacked email addresses to our banks and credit cards to random emails from doctors in Berlin, unsolicited emails should be taken with caution.  Phishing sites are increasing popular, and if you think you might have made an error (such as giving important personal info) contact companies needed (such as your bank) and they will protect your goods.

The problem with these sites is that viruses and other malware can get into our files; specifically, in our important ones deep down inside our computers. Once they do, it changes the information at its base and tells us that these fake websites are okay and trustworthy. The unfortunate truth is, they aren’t. These is called pharming, which brings our computer into the mix and can send out info on our behalf. BlumAlerts takes the steps to prevent this, by checking and rechecking if each website we visit is authentic, and if it doesn’t seem that way, it gives us the heads up!

Luckily, it doesn’t stop there. BlumAlerts uses robots that constantly update their databases because we know that the Internet changes every nanosecond. It tells their database of new threats, questionable websites, and malware on the rise. They collect these reports and updates their own information, so you’re always protected.

Users can also report their own threats to BlumAlerts, which makes it also community-driven and can help everyone involved. You can report a website that you suspect as a phish; generally, it is found in one of these types:

a link in an email which seems like a fake version of a real organization. Misspelled URLS and subdomains are common.
using images instead of text, which makes it more difficult for filters to detect the text often in phishing emails
at the phishing website, there may be JavaScript commands to change the address bar
using a trusted website’s own scripts and the user doesn’t know it isn’t the real site
using Flash instead of regular script, making it look like a real website
using pop-up windows from the real site, but the pop-up window leads elsewhere

You can purchase BlumAlerts for just $24 with a 30 day money back guarantee, making it a safe choice for users who want to stay protected. If you tend to be exposed to a lot of phishing scams, chances are, this is a good investment that’ll keep on giving.