Both Parts of Tim Cook’s Interview with Charlie Rose Available Online [Mac Blog]

The second half of Tim Cook’s extensive interview with Charlie Rose has been released online, which means that both parts are now viewable for those who haven’t seen it. Both interviews are available on Hulu and Charlie Rose’s website (via Daring Fireball). However, Hulu limits the interviews to those in the United States.

The first half of the interview, has Cook speaking about Steve Jobs, the acquisition of Beats as well as Apple’s interest in television alongside some thoughts on management from the Apple CEO. The second half of the interview, has Cook talking about privacy and how the Cupertino company does not try to collect data on its users.

The second interview, below, also features a segment with notable designer Yves Behar, who has designed numerous iPhone-connected products like the Jawbone and Vessyl Smart Cup.

Those who cannot watch the interview on Hulu can watch both parts on Charlie Rose’s website.