Check Out This Awesome LEGO Rendition of the Original Macintosh

LEGO Macintosh

This LEGO build of the original Macintosh 128k is a thing of retro beauty, all that’s missing are some wild eeps to go along with it. Check out the full size version, but the LEGO rendition image resolution maxes out at 1024 x 683, so if you were hoping to use it as a wallpaper it won’t work that great for most displays. If you’re dedicated to using it with anything beyond a 13″ non-retina display you may want to throw some borders on it like I did, but that’s your call.

Check out the bigger version here

For some perspective on how accurate this recreation is, check out the original Macintosh ad:

Original Macintosh print ad

Same structure, same positioning and reflective surface, even the “Hello” is there. If anyone finds an instructional build guide or LEGO piece kit for this, let us know!

This sweet little project was discovered by Gizmodo, and it came from a well-known LEGO artist called PowerPig. What a neat find for us Apple and LEGO nerds.