Clear for Mac to Support Leap Motion Controller [Mac Blog]

leapmotionhandRealmac Software, the company behind popular gesture-based task list Clear, today announced that Clear for Mac will work with the Leap Motion controller.

Leap Motion’s controller is a touch-free device that allows users to control their computers via hand gestures in three dimensions. It works in conjunction with the Leap Motion software, and development units have been sent to 10,000 developers around the world.

The Clear for Mac team was one set of developers that received a Leap Motion test unit, and over the last few months, the group has been working to add support for the Leap Motion controller. In a demo video, a user is shown clearing to-do items from Clear with finger swipes in the air, while a full hand swipe switches lists.

Over the past couple of months, we’ve been stealthily working on adding support for this futuristic piece of hardware to Clear for Mac – and today we’re thrilled to announce that Clear for Mac will soon support the rather incredible Leap Motion controller.The Leap Motion controller is currently available for pre-order from the website for $69.99. It is expected to ship in early 2013. Clear for Mac is available for $6.99 from the Mac App Store. [Direct Link]