Contest: 5 Free Promo Codes for DataMan Pro Data Management iPad App To Be Won

DataMan Pro iPad app

5 Free Promo Codes for DataMan Pro To Be Won

Contest Deadline: Friday October 11, 2:00 PM US Central

Well, I guess we’re way overdue for a giveaway contest at iPad Insight. So here’s one to get us going. I’ve written here before on the excellent DataMan Pro app for tracking your data usage on the iPad – it’s the best iPad app of this type I’ve seen, it’s just been updated with a fresh new look for iOS 7, and you can win a promo code to get a free copy of it right here.

Here’s a little more detail on DatMan Pro via its App Store page:

Your superweapon against overage. DataMan Pro lets you know when, where, and how you used data, every hour, every day. Now it takes full advantage of iOS 7 to give you even more powerful features.
Beautiful design. Simply gives the key statistics you need most in an incredibly clean interface. It’s so easy to track your data usage….

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