Cool Accessory Transforms your iPad into a 3D Scanner

ocipital 3d sensor

There is an in-progress Kickstarter campaign which is building a 3D sensing device. While it probably wont be at the level of established non-mobile 3D scanners, the fact that it attaches to your iPad is pretty amazing.

As someone who is involved in the music and film industries, I can see a lot possibilities. Here are a few that I came up with immediately:

Location scouting for films – quick 3D models of places
Record keeping of microphone placement in recording studios
3D representation of artwork

The device uses dual infrared LEDs to scan its surroundings, which allows functionality in both light and darkness. Its range is 40 centimeters to over 3.5 meters which limits any macro functionality but is useful for objects and medium sized rooms. The sensor comes in an anodized aluminum case which is compatible with Lightening connector equipped iOS devices. It is also operates on its own battery power with 4 hours of scanning and no drain on your iPad.

3D Sensor

In addition to scanning for 3D images, it is also being used for augmented reality games. One already in development game includes a ball that bounces off of the objects around you. Since the game can access a 3D model of the area, it can create complex interactions with the virtual and physical areas. This seems like the kind of idea that Apple will eventually include in their devices and has the potential to make gaming and other tasks extremely powerful.

The Kickstarter campaign is seeking $100,000 and is currently 50{813a954d5e225a1509f22204ece89c855080ce25555f20805f61bed63cbfde3b} funded with a deadline of November 1st. For a pledge of $349 you will receive a finished scanner. I am very tempted!

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