Cool Things: Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard for iPad mini

Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard mini

The Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard mini is the company’s shiny new ultrathin keyboard cover for the iPad mini. Logitech’s Ultrathin Keyboard Cover for the iPad 2,3, and 4 has been a hugely popular accessory – so extending the line to accommodate the iPad mini makes perfect sense.

I did a review of the Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard for iPad last year and was not impressed, because the magnets just didn’t hold my iPad securely. I’ve since seen a number of stellar reviews for the Logitech Ultrathin, including several from writers I know and trust – so I imagine I was just unlucky in receiving one of the early units that somehow slipped through with faulty magnets.

In any case, I’m quite keen to give this keyboard cover a try on the iPad mini. I was going to take a look at pre-ordering one today, but so far I can only find the pre-order available for Canada.

For now, the best…

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