Deals: Breathe New Life into Your Wired Speakers with this Airport Express Amp

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You probably have a nice set of speakers at home, but they may be a little behind technologically. They still provide fantastic sound and you love to listen to them, but you can’t help but wish they were a little more friendly with your new tech. With the Griffin Twenty, your wired speakers can turn into a wireless sound system. It’s on sale now in our Deals tab.

With the Griffin Twenty, you’ll be able to play audio wirelessly from your favorite iOS device. This digital audio amplifier uses Apple’s Airplay wireless audio and video protocol to connect AirPort Express to your favorite speakers. You can stream from any AirPlay-enabled app, which includes all of the finest music players around. With the output 20 watts per channel and subwoofer support, you’ll get high quality sound you’d expect from your speakers.

The Griffin Twenty usually retails for $100. Head to our Deals tab and you’ll save 30{813a954d5e225a1509f22204ece89c855080ce25555f20805f61bed63cbfde3b} off the retail price. That makes your total just $69.99. It’s a great price for this awesome accessory, so grab this offer today!