Deals: Build Your Dream Site with OSTraining

[This is an advertorial. Maclife gets a portion of each unit sold.]

Excellent web design is often one of those things that goes unnoticed about a website. If it’s functional and looks good, it slips under most people’s radar. If it’s terrible, it’s the first thing people will comment on. Make sure your website isn’t recognized for all the wrong reasons by getting a subscription to Open Source Training. A full year of online coaching will only run you $75 in our latest deal.

If you’ve ever had the slightest urge to get into web design, this package is made for you. Open Source Training offers up over 800 videos of instruction on how to build a web page on today’s most popular platforms. WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal design will all be covered, and you’ll have unlimited access to all the information housed at Open Source Training. It’s the same training that companies like Apple, Pfizer, and the United States Department of Education make available to their employees.

A year of access to the services that Open Source Training offers would normally run $150. We’ve slashed that number by 50{813a954d5e225a1509f22204ece89c855080ce25555f20805f61bed63cbfde3b}, making full access to these web design tutorials available for $75. In a full year, you can learn plenty. Snag up this deal and get to designing today.