Deals: Train Simple Teaches You Web Design

[This is an advertorial. Maclife gets a portion of each unit sold.]

Deep down, we all want to be web designers. It’s an increasingly useful skill set that serves those that have it very well. Whether you want to make a little money on the side doing occasional design work, you’re hoping to start your own business, or you just think your cat is deserving of his own online domain, you can do it all with the right knowledge. Train Simple brings you that understanding with a year of training, on sale in our Deals tab for under $50.

Train Simple does its best to be true to its name when it comes to teaching Adobe authorized training. By offering extensive information in easily digestible bits, Train Simple promises to give you a complete grasp over all things Adobe web design. With 49 courses and over 2,500 videos that teach everything from Photoshop and InDesign to HTML5 and Javascript. There’s no line of code you won’t read like a second language once you’re done with the courses Train Simple offers.

An entire year of full access to Train Simple normally costs $100. It’s an investment that has served companies like Intel, Nike, and Staples well. You’ll pay less than half of that cost in our Deals tab. It’s only $49