Easily Share Dropbox Files To Nearby iPhones With ProxToMe [iOS Tips]


Dropbox is a great service, and I use it both professionally and personally. I share files with friends, presentations and documents with co-workers, and I upload my iPhone photos as well as a secondary backup to PhotoStream, which can be touchy at times. Problem is, I need to ask people if they’re Dropbox users, get the email they’ve associated with the service, then log in to Drobpox and create a shared folder with that person’s email. It’s useful, and not too difficult, but it can be tedious.

That’s where ProxToMe comes in. This free app does all the discovery for you, letting you share any file from your Dropbox account with any other ProxToMe user nearby. Slick!

Download ProxToMe from the app store and open it with a tap on your iPhone or iPod touch. Tap the Connect with Facebook button (required, sorry) and enter your credentials. Next, tap on the connect with Dropbox button, and the Dropbox app will load on your device. You’ll need to tap the big green Allow button to link your Dropbox account with your ProxToMe app.

Once you’ve done all the connecting, ProxToMe will search for nearby users, and then you can chat with them as well as share any files from your Dropbox account. It’s a great way to connect to someone securely, without having to load and populate any shared folders on the web service.

Give it a try, and let me know if you like find it useful!

Source: iTunes App Store
Via: Addictive Tips

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