Eddy Cue accepts Bay Area entrepreneur award on behalf of Steve Jobs

The Bay Area Council has posthumously recognized Steve Jobs with its Business Hall of Fame award, which it gives out annually to recognize “the accomplishments and contributions of Bay Area business titans who have built some of the world’s most recognized and respected companies and brands.” Accepting on his behalf was Apple senior vice president of Internet Software and Services Eddy Cue.

The award was announced in July, but the ceremony itself took place late last week. Early Tuesday, Cue posted a tweet with a link to the video and a short message: “An honor, a privilege and truly from my heart to Steve…”

The 15 minute video features clips of Steve talking about his life and accomplishments, highlights from events where he introduced the Mac, iMac, iPod and iPhone. Intuit chairman William Campbell, Apple board member and friend and colleague of Steve, offered a short recorded comment praising Jobs, then Cue took the stage.

In his brief acceptance speech, Cue recounted the launch of the original iMac and talked about Steve’s famous attention to detail, this time focused on the iMac’s initial appearance on stage. He ended it by thanking the council for the award, then he put his fingers to his lips, kissed them, thrust them skyward, and said “Thank you and I love you Steve.”

Fittingly, Jobs was honored that night along with fellow hall of fame inductee and his close friend Larry Ellison, co-founder and CEO of Oracle Corp.