Fantastical 2 updated with new icon badge options, better geofence handling, and more

Fantastical 2 updated with new icon badge options, better geofence handling, and more

Fantastical 2, one of our favorite alternative Calendar apps for iPhone, has just been updated to version 2.0.2 and even though it’s a point release that contains bug fixes, it also contains a few new features as well. Among them are new app icon badge options and better handling for location matching and search results when using geofences.

Concerning the app icon badge, Fantastical 2 now gives you another configuration to choose from. Choose the new All Overdue Reminders option if you’d like Fantastical 2 to behave the same way the default Reminders app does.

If you use geofences, you should hopefully get better search results with the 2.0.2 update as well. Other improvements in the update include tweaking the invitees section so it doesn’t appear so small on the iPhone, particularly the smaller screened models.

For those of you that already purchased Fantastical 2, the update is free. If you haven’t tried Fantastical 2 yet, you can hit the link to purchase it. You won’t be sorry you did.

$2.99 – Download Now