Fourth-Gen LTE iPad, LTE iPad Mini Shipping This Week

iPad mini LTE shippingIf you were waiting for your new LTE-capable iPad or iPad mini to arrive, a brand new device may show up at your door as early as Friday. Emails went out Tuesday afternoon, alerting buyers of both tablets the devices are shipping this week.

The LTE iPad mini email alerts started arriving from Apple this morning. According to AppleInsider, multiple readers contacted the site, saying the devices were scheduled to arrive on November 16.

Later the same day, word began spreading of fourth-fen LTE iPad shipping confirmations for the same week. The ship dates on both the LTE iPad mini and fourth-gen LTE iPad were scheduled later than the WiFi-only models.

All models of iPad mini and iPad with Retina Display sold out quickly after the announcement last month. All makes of iPad mini are currently showing a 2-week waiting period for shipment on Apple’s site. While the Wifi-only iPad with Retina Display is currently in stock, the LTE models have a one-week delay.

But if you were quick on the trigger for those early preorders, you just might have your device by this Friday.

Apple recently announced the sale of over three million iPad units over a three-day period. Of course, we’re not sure how many of those are iPad mini or fourth-gen iPad models.