Gartner 2013 Tablets Report: iPad Leads in Tablet Sales, Not Market Share

Tablet Market 2013

The latest report from Gartner on the worldwide tablets market in 2013 shows the iPad is still the Number 1 selling tablet by quite a big margin, though Android is now the leader in market share.

As you can see in the chart above, iPad sales in 2013 outnumber the total sales for the next 4 contenders combined.

Android, as many expected, has grabbed the lead in market share, with around 62{813a954d5e225a1509f22204ece89c855080ce25555f20805f61bed63cbfde3b} – while ‘iOS’ is listed at 36{813a954d5e225a1509f22204ece89c855080ce25555f20805f61bed63cbfde3b}. It’s notable that a huge portion of the Android market share appears to be very low-end, no name (or White Box) tablets – a market that Apple wants no share of.

A couple other things to note with these figures:

– Samsung is listed as having gained the most in the tablet sales chart – which is especially interesting since Samsung doesn’t ever announce actual sales numbers. Also, according to Apple Insider, Gartner’s iPad sales numbers for iPad are…

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