Get up to $350 for Trading In Your iPhone with

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We’re all excited to see what Apple’s new iPhone is going to bring to the table, but every time there’s a new model it leaves us wondering one thing: What do we do with our old iPhone? We think Gazelle has a pretty good answer: Trade in your old iPhone and get up to $350 in return. That’s a nice return on a piece of tech you won’t be using, and if you act soon you’ll be able to keep your current phone until the moment your new iPhone is in hand.

Gazelle is an industry leader in trade-in consumer electronics and knows the value of your favorite devices. It also knows that making the jump to a new phone isn’t cheap. That’s why it’s offering a trade-in deal for consumers with the iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, or iPhone 5. Depending on the model, carrier, capacity, and condition, you can get a nice trade-in price that will help pay for your new iPhone. Check out how much you may get:

• iPhone 5 – $350
• iPhone 4S – $235
• iPhone 4 – $140

Plus, if you act before September 10, you can lock in your trade-in price and hold on to your current phone up to October 15th. This will give you plenty of time to get the new iPhone without leaving with no phone in the mean time. There’s no obligation, either so if you decide to back out of the offer, there’s no penalty to you.

If you’re considering getting the new iPhone and are looking to get some value out of your current handset, we urge you to go to through this link