Girls Like Robots Review

What’s more important than education at a university? If you ask Adult Swim, the answer seems to be balancing out the proximal science of love for all who attend. In a bizarre case of opposites attracting, girls adore robots, cooing when placed next to them in this strange little game of seating arrangements. Robots reciprocate up to a point, though they remain indifferent to nerds. For their part, nerds are happy sitting next to either robots or girls, though girls are irritated by their presence. How do you keep everyone happy?

That’s the basic gist of Girls Like Robots, a nicely brainy tile-puzzler that’s one of Adult Swim’s most personable titles yet. The more folks you can satisfy, the higher your score, and like any good logic puzzle the challenge stems from checks, balances, and limitation. For example, nerds dislike their own and robots hate being surrounded by girls, cancelling out points earned. Furthermore, you can sometimes you can lay your tiles down in any order, while other times the set is mandated. Since tiles can’t be moved manually, it forces logical thinking in order to hit each puzzle’s score threshold.

The goofy scenarios get increasingly trickier. There’s the entomologist girl who is only happy near bug tiles (place a standard girl next to a bug and it will scurry one space away), or the volcano-side picnic that leaves some squares of the grid on fire. And pie delights everyone but robots, who cannot comprehend its universal appeal. You’ll encounter the occasional annoying level, but overall the wildly varying puzzles are great. The rustic feel (replete with appropriately antebellum soundtrack) is charming, too. You may chuckle; your brain will thank you.

The bottom line.
Who knew making seating charts could be so fun?

Review Synopsis
