Giving iTunes Match Another Try

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iTunes Wi-Fi Sync only seems to work about half the time I try to use it, so a few weeks ago I decided to take another chance on iTunes Match. If you’re unfamiliar with iTunes Match, it’s a $28 annual subscription service that scans your Mac or PC’s iTunes library. Any songs that are matched with existing tracks in Apple’s iTunes catalogue are simply made available in 256kbps AAC, and any songs that aren’t in the iTunes catalogue are uploaded to iCloud. Once the scanning and uploading is complete, your full library of songs is available to stream to up to 10 devices (PCs, Macs, or iOS devices).

The main benefit of this switch has been to eliminate any need to manually sync my iPhone (my main music player) with my MacBook, but a cool secondary benefit has been the ability to stream all of my music directly to my iPad, without having to use up any of my 32 GB iPad’s storage…

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