Google Drive iPad App Updated, Adds Basic Functionality that Should’ve Been in 1.0 Release

Google Drive iPad app

The Google Drive app for iPad (and iPhone) was updated yesterday – to Version 1.1.0.

For all intents and purposes, this should really be Version 1.0 – as it adds basic abilities like editing documents that 3rd party apps have had for ages and that were left out of its initial App Store release a couple of months back.

Here’s the full change list for this update:

– Edit Google documents with formatting and collaboration
– Edits to your Google documents appear to collaborators in seconds
– Richer Google presentations with animations and speaker notes
– Create a new folder or Google document
– Upload photos and videos from your device or a photo directly from your camera
– Move an item to a folder in your Drive
– Delete and remove files from your Drive
– Drive is now available in over 30 languages

Nearly all these items seem like basics that would be expected in the first release, so although it’s good to see this update it’s hardly full of exciting features.

I haven’t had a chance to update yet, and I use Google Drive far less than Dropbox anyway – but I’m keen to hear what any of you who have updated think of the Google Drive app on the iPad now. If you’ve updated, let us know your thoughts in the comments.

© patrickj for iPad Insight, 2012. |
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