Google Maps for iOS Updated with Several New and Enhanced Features

Google is showing a bit more attention on the iOS side of things lately. Last week, it split off Docs and Sheets apps (with Slides incoming) from Google Drive for increased visibility, and now today, the company updated its Google Maps app to a 3.0.0 version with several new and upgraded features.

Chief among them is an official offline maps option, which lets you save them for network-free browsing — ideal for international travel or when exploring areas with minimal reception. Google Maps for iOS also receives a major turn-by-turn navigation boost with this latest update, adding lane recommendations while driving and making it easier to check out alternate routes when on the move.

Walking and transit results are also improved in the latest edition, letting you see the total amount of time for an on-foot trip, as well as when the next scheduled train or bus will arrive. You can also search for destinations — like restaurants and bars — by hours, price level, and other variables.

And for fans of ridesharing/cab service Uber, today’s update integrates it as a transportation option for those with the Uber app installed. You’ll be able to compare the estimated time to get an Uber ride to the destination against that of walking or public transportation, and then flip right to the actual app to follow through with such plans.

Other tweaks like access to iOS contacts and Google Voice Search capabilities help make the app even more useful than ever, and as always, it’s available from the App Store for free.