‘Got iPad’ Tops the Christmas Twitter Charts

Got iPad

Twitter provided some very good omens on iPad sales over the Christmas holiday. As Apple 2.0 reports, the phrase ‘got iPad’ is top of the tablet charts by a huge margin for the Christmas period.

I used the same Topsy Analytics service that Apple 2.0 did and entered various tablet names including Google’s Nexus 7 as well. Here’s the results for the search I did using got iPad / kindle / surface for December 1 – December 31:

iPad: 118,886

Kindle: 16,318

Surface: 3,806

If my calculator app is right, that puts the tweets for the Surface at about 0.03{813a954d5e225a1509f22204ece89c855080ce25555f20805f61bed63cbfde3b} of those for the iPad. You could almost says it takes some ‘real work’ to see a percentage that small.

Also, I couldn’t resist sharing this tweet from the Surface timeline for these search results:

Screen Shot 2013-12-31 at 7.01.58 AM

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