Happy Birthday Woz – Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak turns 64 Today

273 Woz

There is a famous song about turning 64 and Steve Wozniak can finally listen to it and ponder some of life’s most important questions. “Will you still need me, will you still feed me, When I’m sixty-four?” Steve Wozniak’s place in history might not be as prominent as Steve Jobs, but he played a crucial role in founding Apple and while he didn’t directly play a part in the creation of the iPad, his legacy helped set the foundation.

Steve has been a supporter of the iPad, even when he also saw different directions it could take. I’ve written a few times about comments Steve has made when he said he didn’t think he would buy the iPad Air or when he felt that the Apple should allow Android versions of their devices. He also sees the good in the iPhone and iPad and recognizes their innovation, but since he is no longer affiliated with Apple he gets to wait in line like the rest of us.

Today we’d like to recognize Steve on his birthday and thank him for being there at the very beginning of Apple. I really wanted to write this on an Apple II+ I have at work (which still runs perfectly fine) but I don’t have an easy solution for posting the text I write there. Still, I’ll fire it up this afternoon and write a quick program that will loop a happy birthday message that Woz will never see. I should really make a video of that with my iPad which somehow seems like the perfect full circle of Woznian influence.

[Photo: sandritagil/Flickr Lyrics: Lennon–McCartney]

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