How to encrypt your email

Reader Jack Burns is a bit disconcerted by some recent news. He writes:

After reading stories about the U.S. government’s program to collect phone and Internet data I’m a little concerned about my email privacy. What can I do to encrypt my email?

I’d first suggest that you take a gander at How To Protect Your PC From PRISM Surveillance from my pals over at PCWorld. As its name implies, it offers some hints on how to attempt to make your computing life more private.

I use “attempt” for good reason. Without being overly paranoid about it, there’s every chance in the world that if the NSA and other government agencies want to read your email—encrypted or not—a way will be (or has been) found. On the other hand, the vast majority of the email we generate would be of no interest to your second-cousin, much less the government.

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