How to extend the life of your devices

Cars have bumpers. Homes have brick walls. Heck, humans have skulls. But your gadgets? They go out into the world naked, unprotected, vulnerable. It’s amazing any of them survive at all. Of course, you’ve made a considerable investment into your gadget ecosystem, so it makes sense to want your devices to last as long as possible. Let’s take a look at some of the practical ways you can prolong the life of your most beloved devices.


Laptops are tough to protect. One unfortunate encounter with the pavement and you could be looking at a busted screen, a dead hard drive, and years’ worth of irreplaceable work. At the very least, keep your laptop in a padded case when you’re walking around with it. Equally important, make sure the cooling-fan vents are never blocked during use, otherwise the laptop could overheat. Likewise, every few months, use a can of compressed air to blow dust out of those vents. While you’re at it, blow the crumbs out from between your keyboard keys; any detritus that falls into the cracks can cause keyboard malfunctions.

You should also take care not to over-exert your laptop’s battery, which has a finite number of charge cycles. If you spend most of your time working at a desk, pop the battery out and rely on AC power.

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