How to Prepare for iTunes 11

While iTunes 11 is running a little late, it is expected to drop on us this month. When it arrives, it will be the single biggest change to iTunes since the introduction of the iTunes Music Store. To prepare for this large update, you may want to prepare your iTunes library, adding album artwork, correcting album titles, and getting rid of duplicates. By cleaning up, you’ll have a better experience when iTunes 11 is released and installed on your Mac.

1. Metadata Cleanup

One of the biggest cleanups that can make or break your iTunes experience is metadata. Song titles, album titles, and artist information is vitally important when it comes to navigating through your tunes, videos, and TV shows.

We’ll use a Smart Playlist to easily track the items in your library that needs a quick fix. Select File > New Smart Playlist, and in the dialog that appears, select the following items:

– Check the box labeled “Match any of the following rules”
– “Artist” contains “[blank field]”
– “Album” contains “[blank field]”
– “Genre” contains “[blank field]”

Ensure that “Live updating” is checked, and then click the “OK” button. A new playlist will be created that will display items in your library that contains a blank artist field, blank album field, or blank genre field.

With the items that appear, you can select multiple album tracks (or a single item), and then right-click > Get Info. In this window, select the Info tab to edit the track information.