How to print photos from Aperture the easy way

Printing photos doesn’t have to be hard. With Aperture in particular, you can print excellent images with minimal effort. That’s not to say that you can’t tweak settings further to achieve the utmost quality. But for the bulk of my output, I use this easy-to-follow system and throughly enjoy what I’ve seen emerge from my Epson Stylus R2000 photo printer.

The following steps will work with current Epson photo printers and can be easily adapted to Canon models, too. The workflow is based on the improvements that these manufacturers have made to their printer software. So if you haven’t fired up your inkjet printer lately because printing with it has been too frustrating, consider giving it another shot.

Choosing the image

When it’s time to print, you want quick access to your best stuff. That’s one of the reasons I’m a big fan of using star ratings. Peruse your highly rated images and choose one that you would consider hanging on the wall.

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