How to Sync Chat Transcripts with Dropbox

Increasingly, we are using more and more devices; and, the age old question of how to sync data around to all of those devices keeps coming up. Today, we’re tackling the question of how to sync your Adium and iChat chat logs to all of your devices so that whatever device you’re using, you’ll always have access to your logs through Dropbox.

Difficulty: Medium-to-Difficult

To sync the chat logs, we’ll create a new folder in Dropbox, and will then copy over the existing chat logs to that folder, and then create a symbolic link so that Adium or iChat correctly points to the new chat log directory in Dropbox. Using this method, it is assumed that you only have one copy of iChat or Adium opened using the Dropbox saved chatlogs at any given time.

You’ll repeat this process for each computer you wish to sync your chat logs with (minus the part where we create the folder in Dropbox). As we go along, you may wish to backup your existing chat logs for safekeeping, just on the off-chance that something goes wrong.

Remember to follow the correct guide below, as iChat and Adium stores chat logs in different locations. Note that if you use both iChat and Adium, then you’ll need to create separate folders in Dropbox: one for iChat logs, and one for Adium logs and complete the tutorial below using those folders. This tutorial assumes that you are using one or the other.

To begin, close iChat or Adium, and open your Dropbox folder to create a new folder called “Logs” at the root of the Dropbox folder. This will be the location where all of the synced chat logs will be stored.


With the Dropbox > Logs folder opened in the Finder, open a second Finder window and navigate to Home > Documents > iChats.

Once there, you’ll see a listing of all the stored iChat/iMessage logs sorted by date. You’ll want to drag these myriad of folders to the Dropbox > Logs folder. Once the copy is complete, delete the iChats folder in your Home > Documents folder, and we’ll create a symbolic link folder to replace the iChats folder and make it use the logs stored in your Dropbox > Logs folder.

To do this, open Terminal and type in the follow commands (each followed by the enter key):

cd ~/Documents