How to Use Contacts in Numbers

Add Address Book details to your Numbers projects quickly and easily

Numbers isn’t an application you immediately think of when talking about Address Book contacts, but the two work together quite happily. For example, as in this guide, you could be planning a party and want to include a guest list in your document.

Similarly, you could be producing a document for work purposes and wish to include contact details for employees or team members. Rather than manually type out each contact’s name, phone number, email address and any other information, Address Book contacts can be used to fill in the cells automatically. Of course, this means you need an up-to-date set of Address Book contacts, but if you update yours on a regular basis, this shouldn’t be a problem. If you do have a pristine Address Book, it’s a good idea to create groups within your contacts list. It will help you select contacts quicker by dividing them into work or family groups, for example.

Once you have your contacts in order, adding them to a Numbers spreadsheet couldn’t be easier. It’s a simple matter of drag and drop. As we’ll show you in this guide, all you need to ensure is that there are cells ready to receive the information from the contact cards you are adding.

For example, if you want to include a person’s name and email address, there needs to be header cells labelled as such, this is so Numbers can see what you want to include on the contact card and add the information to the relevant cells. You can even drag multiple contacts from Address Book into your Numbers spreadsheet to quickly add a group of contacts to your document.

You can follow this guide by starting a new blank Numbers project or by opening a document you are already working on and wish to add contact details to.