Human Toolz Mobile Stand for iPad 3 Gets Funded & My iPad Can’t Wait to Try It Out

Human Toolz  Mobile Stand

I posted a few weeks back about this great looking iPad stand called the Human Toolz Mobile Stand for the iPad 3. At the time it was a Kickstarter project that looked hugely promising to me.

Today I got the official email announcing that the project was successfully funded – which is great news, not least because as a backer of the project I can expect to receive my Mobile Stand next month. My new iPad can’t wait to give it a spin.

Here’s some of the reasons I’m so looking forward to trying out this stand:

– It is easily portable and very versatile.

– It works very nicely in tandem with the iPad Smart Cover.

– It uses the same hinge technology that’s used on the MacBook Air.

– And it’s made here in my hone state of Texas.

I’m psyched about using and reviewing this stand.

If you like the sound of this, check out its Kickstarter page for all the details and a demo video.

© patrickj for iPad Insight, 2012. |
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