Instagram Adds iPhone 5 Support [iOS Blog]

With the iPhone 5 in the wild for five days now, major apps continue to be updated for the device’s larger screen. Today, popular photography app Instagram was updated with iPhone 5 and iOS 6 support. However, as The Next Web points out, Instagram’s square photography method doesn’t gain much from the iPhone 5’s larger screen.

InstagramupdateBut the capture mode is a tad awkward, as Instagram’s square capture window isn’t really able to take advantage of the larger screen real-estate. Also, curiously, the live filtration options seem to be gone on iOS 6. We’re not sure if that’s a bug or what.Instagram was purchased by Facebook earlier this year, and the Facebook iOS app was one of the first major apps to add support for the 4″ screen.

Instagram is a free download on the App Store. [Direct Link]