Ion Audio Announces Bluetooth Cassette Tape Adapter for Older Stereos

If you’re one of the folks who’s still roaming around with a cassette tape player in your vehicle, you’ll love hearing about what Ion Audio announced today at CES 2014. As MacRumors reports, it’s a Bluetooth-powered cassette adapter that lets you play music and other media on your car’s stereo as long as it’s connected to a Bluetooth-enabled device such as an iPhone or an iPad.

In Ion Audio’s own words, “Just like that, you can stream music from any Bluetooth music player or phone. No complicated installation. No cables. No tangled or snagged tape. Just pop it in and it automatically turns on. Cassette Adapter Bluetooth contains a long-lasting rechargeable battery for even the longest road trips. Plus, you now have a hands-free solution for phone calls.”

That’s right–you’ll even be able to talk on the phone through the device as long as your Bluetooth-enabled device has a microphone (and it should, if you’re on an iPhone or an iPad). Don’t expect to leave it in the car, however. Ion Audio’s device requires a USB connection to charge, and the charge only last around six hours. In other words, if you’re stuck in one of the nation’s most brutal commutes, you might have to charge it every couple of days.

Still, that’s a relatively small price to pay for bringing your antique audio system into the modern age. Better late than never.

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