iOS 7 currently running behind schedule

iOS 7 concept

iOS 7 is considered to be the most important iOS update yet as it is expected that Apple will finally bring some drastic UI changes to the popular mobile platform to better compete with the likes of Android and others. Apple usually introduces a new version of iOS at WWDC which usually takes place in the month of June every year. As June is approaching it is reported that Apple is currently running behind the schedule. This news comes from well known iOS Apple bloggers Rene Ritchie of iMore and John Gruber of Daring Fireball.

Both of them report that Apple is making system-wide UI changes to iOS, which is delaying the process and the OS is running behind the planned schedule. John Gruber at his Daring Fireball website says that iOS 7 is so behind that Apple has pulled engineers from its OS X division working on the OS X 10.9 so they could also work on iOS 7 to speed up the process.

The UI changes are so big that Apple engineers who have the unannounced version on their iPhones have some sort of polarizing filters on their iPhone screens in order to decrease the viewing angles so that it could be made difficult for observers to notice anything.

On the UI changes iMore’s Rene Ritchie says that the interface changes Jony Ive has madae to the platform is making many people happy however those who like rich-texture will be sad after seeing the changes that have been made to iOS’s overall looks.

This report has its significance and sort of confirms what was widely believed i.e Apple will finally change the overall looks of iOS which has stayed this way since the introduction of the original iPhone.

Depicting possible changes Apple could introduce in iOS 7 designer Mohammad Kerudi created the following mock up.



The post iOS 7 currently running behind schedule appeared first on ThinkiOS – iPhone. iPad. iPod touch Blog.