iOS 7 Supported Devices & Compatible Feature List

iOS 7 Screen Shot

Obviously iOS 7 looks incredible enough that virtually every single iPhone, iPad, and iPod owner on the planet is going to want to run the amazing new iOS on their devices… leading to the big question on everyones minds being, what devices does iOS 7 support? And what new features work on which device? The full lists are below, but it’s safe to assume that basically any semi-new iOS device has full support, though not all devices compatible with iOS 7 will get every single feature (like AirDrop). Here is what we know so far, courtesy of Apple:

iOS 7 Supported Devices

These are the officially supported iOS 7 devices:

iPhone 4
iPhone 4S
iPhone 5
iPad 2
iPad 3
iPad 4
iPad Mini
iPod touch 5th gen

Of course, any new and unannounced iOS devices released this fall (likely alongside iOS 7) will also support the major update.

iOS 7 Compatible Device List

iOS 7 Compatibility List

Wondering which devices will support certain features? Here’s what we know so far from Apple:

AirDrop – iPhone 5, iPad 4, iPad mini, iPod touch 5th gen
Swipe & Panorama Photos – iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod touch 5th gen
Square photos and video formats – iPhone 4 and newer, iPad 3rd generation and newer, iPad mini, iPod touch 5th gen
Live filters from Camera app – iPhone 5, iPod touch 5th gen
Filters in Photos app – iPhone 4 and newer, iPad 3 and newer
iTunes Radio – All iOS 7 devices will get iTunes Radio through the Music app

Apple does note that features are subjected to change though, so there could be some changes in either the supported devices or compatible features list before the release this fall.