iOS App Store Sales Top $10B in 2013, More Than $1B in December Alone

App Store

Although the tech media loves to tout how Android is battering iOS when it comes to hardware sales, there’s no denying that Apple’s App Store continues to dominate the a mobile business, as its 2013 sales once again prove.

Apple announced Tuesday that App Store customers spent more than $10 billion in 2013, with more than $1 billion of that total racked up last month alone for the most successful month in App Store history.

December saw a record number of apps purchased, with nearly three billion titles downloaded during the holiday month. As a result, Apple has now paid out $15 billion to developers since the virtual storefront launched in 2008.

“We’d like to thank our customers for making 2013 the best year ever for the App Store,” said Eddy Cue, Apple’s senior vice president of Internet Software and Services. “The lineup of apps for the holiday season was astonishing and we look forward to seeing what developers create in 2014.”

The App Store now delivers iPhone, iPad and iPod touch content to 155 countries around the world, with more than half a million apps for the iPad alone.

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