iOS generates four times more ad revenue for Google than Android

Google is in the middle of a lawsuit with Oracle over patents issues related to Android, but that is not what this post is about. The legal document of an upcoming hearing of this case has revealed a very interesting bit of information regarding the advertisement money Google makes from different mobile platforms. In the documents, Google says that between 2008 and 2011 it made $550 million in ad revenue from traffic coming from Android devices out of $2.5 billion the company earns from mobile search. On the other hand, iOS powered devices that include iPhones, iPads, and iPod touches generated four times as much revenue for Google in this span of time.

Given the size of Android’s marketshare, the ad revenue generated by it for it’s parent company is awful. iOS devices use Google Maps and Google’s Search service as it’s primary search engine, though you can change it to Bing or Yahoo! from settings.


