iPad 2 Support, Improved AI Come to Deus Ex: The Fall

There’s apparently still a lot of you running around with older iPad models out there, and quite a few of you were disappointed to learn that Deus Ex: The Fall wasn’t playable on the iPad 2 despite Square Enix’s original marketing to the contrary. Fortunately, today Square Enix proved that the original listing wasn’t a typo after all, as the famed publisher announced full support for the iPad 2 in the recent patch notes.

The move updates the full list of compatible devices to iPad 2 and above, iPhone 4S and above, and iPod Touch 5 and above. The patch also included an interesting reference to a fix to the AI that ensures “that enemies do not lose sight of the player,” which may address one of our chief concerns in our review. Specifically, Mikel Reparaz noted that enemies will “go from alert to merely cautious if you can manage to stay out of their sight for a few seconds, and then they’ll walk around out of cover, making them easy targets. “

Despite this caveat and a few others, we still called Deus Ex: The Fall a “great” game, and this patch ensures that this statement bears even more truth. (And if you missed our announcement the first time around, you might be happy to know that Square Enix quickly disabled the restrictions on jailbroken devices after launch.) You can pick up Deus Ex: The Fall on the iTunes store for $6.99 here.

Follow this article’s writer, Leif Johnson, on Twitter.