iPad Art: Celebrity Portrait of Maurice from Planet of the Apes

Maurice iPad painting

OK, this just became my favorite ever celebrity portrait created on an iPad – and that’s saying something because there are some incredible ones out there. But how you can resist this one of Maurice, one of the stars of the new ‘Dawn of the Planet of the Apes’ movie (and the previous Rise of the Planet of the Apes)?

This is the work of Michael Acosta, shared to our Google+ iPad Art community – created using the Paper by 53 app and the new Adonit Jot Touch.

It’s been shown that Orangutans are able to get a lot of joy from iPads, so perhaps some of them would enjoy this piece as well. In any case, I love this one.

If you’re up for seeing lots more lovely iPad paintings, check out more of our iPad Art section.

© patrickj for iPad Insight, 2014. | Permalink | No comment | Add to del.icio.us
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