iPad Art: First Day of Spring

iPad Painting First Day of Spring

Today’s featured iPad painting is a perfect image for the beginning of my favorite season, Spring. The painting is titled ‘First Day of Spring’, and is the work of an iPad artist who’s a favorite any time of the year – Helene Godberg.

For me, Spring is lovely warm weather, t-shirt time, my daughter’s birthday, a great time on the sports calendar (The Masters, the start of baseball season, NBA playoff races and more), and colors. Here in Austin colors include bluebonnets and wildflowers on the highways and butterflies and other insects coming back out.

I love the colors in this iPad painting. I also like that it feels like such a happy image, and that’s what Spring is all about here.

Check out more of Helene Goldberg’s lovely work at her hgberk Flickr stream.

And take a look at our iPad Art section to see the work of more great iPad artists.


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