iPad Art: Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs by Cheeky Raffy

While this weekend marks two years since Steve Jobs passed away, today’s featured iPad art couldn’t have any other subject.

Like the man himself, this portrait of Steve Jobs is larger than life and it’s also a great reminder of how Apple products often seem to bridge the worlds of technology and art. This was one of the ideas that drove Steve Jobs, as Jonah Lehrer summed up so eloquently in a 2011 piece for The New Yorker:

But what set all of Jobs’s companies apart, from Pixar to NeXT to Apple, was, indeed, an insistence that computer scientists must work together with artists and designers—that the best ideas emerge from the intersection of technology and the humanities.

This portrait is a perfect testament to that approach. Created on an iPad by one of my favorite iPad artists, Rafael Co, using the Procreate app.

© patrickj for iPad Insight, 2013. | …

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