iPad Art: Voice of Night

iPad Painting Voice of Night

Today’s featured iPad painting is yet another instant favorite from Deborah McMillion, aka Hotel Midnight. This one is titled ‘Voice of Night’ and is accompanied by these words:

Why look to the dark as a sinister thing. Why look at sinister as anything more than just left. A day without sunshine is just the night!

There’s so much to like an be taken in by in this painting – the sunset, the tornado off to the right, the striking woman, and the gorgeous colors. I especially like the blue of the bike frame.

You can see more of Deborah McMillion’s excellent artwork at her Hotel Midnight Flickr stream.

And you can find more great iPad paintings from many great iPad artists in our own iPad Art section.

© patrickj for iPad Insight, 2014. | Permalink | No comment | Add to del.icio.us
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