iTunes Store Offers Limited-Time $9.99 and Up Movie Bundles Sale (Updated)

iTunes Store movie bundles sale

Still need to add the Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings movies to your collection? If you act quickly, you can get them for dirt cheap thanks to a limited-time bundle sale going on right now at the iTunes Store.

As first noted by DealMac on Tuesday, Apple’s iTunes Store is offering a sale on movie bundles for a limited time, featuring two or more feature films for as little as $9.99 in HD.

Perhaps the best deal is the Harry Potter Complete Collection, which bundles all eight movies along with iTunes Extras for only $9.99 — by comparison, Amazon Instant Video offers each individual movie for $6.99.

Also priced at $9.99 are popular collections such as The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Lethal Weapon Movie Collection and three-film trilogies of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Austin Powers and The Matrix, while others such as The Godfather and Back to the Future are priced at $19.99, which is still quite a bargain.

If you’ve got some iTunes Gift Cards burning a hole in your pocket, this is a great way to use it up — so click this link and get shopping!

Update: You snooze, you lose, it appears. Macworld is reporting that the Harry Potter Complete Collection has now jumped from $9.99 to $59.99, suggesting the possibility that it was a pricing error. However, other bundles remain (although at least some of them have jumped from $9.99 to $17.99), so grab ’em while you can.

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